Journal Entries from Russian River Trip
My wonderful friend Kate celebrated her birthday by going on a canoeing day-trip on the Russian river up in Marin County, and I was lucky enough to go along... In between rope swings and a delcious picnic lunch, I got lots of chances to "show off" my bird-nerd status by identifying these guys for my canoeing companions. A great day in the outdoors, with three (!) new sightings for me, all below.

Expect the new issue of Bird Brain out for APE this weekend, if all goes well. I have a lot of drawings and birding to do to meet my deadline, but I think I can doit... if I absolutely need to I'll include some older illos from older journals.

Expect the new issue of Bird Brain out for APE this weekend, if all goes well. I have a lot of drawings and birding to do to meet my deadline, but I think I can doit... if I absolutely need to I'll include some older illos from older journals.