Bird Brain 3 out for Indy Euphoria this Sunday
I am putting the finishing touches on the latest issue of Bird Brain (you can see the Gocco-printed covers above). This issue is all about local birds, spotted within the confines of San Francisco; but there are quite a few new sightings for me in there, from the elusive Brown Creeper to some sketches of two species of egrets, a Great and a Snowy, which I spotted within ten feet of each other on Crissy Field. Below is a photo I snapped of them by using my binoculars to do some very rough digiscoping with the camera on my iPhone! Pretty rough, I know, but I sort of like the effect:

Snowy Egret

Great Egret
This issue also features a first for BB, a full-color centerfold! I was so happy with my painting of a starling that I decided to do some more sketches and create a two-page spread about these garrulous, ubiquitous birds. Look for more color plates in future issues...
I'll be at the Indy Euphoria in Sacramento on Sunday 1/10 ONLY. I'll have all three issues of Bird Brain along with tons of other Family Style stuff, including a new (and very funny) comic from my pal Nick St. John.