Bird Brain is Migrating!

I started up this Bird Brain Journals blog for those folks out there who might be exclusively interested in my birding-related drawings and journals entries, rather than the various comics, illustrations, and other projects that I blog about in my other, more general creative blog, Friend or Foe. However, I've started to realize that I am double blogging a lot of stuff, so I'm going to move this blog over to Friend or Foe now!
So, all future (and past) updates on my Bird Brain activities (including process shots, photos, field trip descriptions, etc) will be cohabiting with my other projects over at Friend or Foe. However, I will be labeling everything BB-related with the "bird brain" tag, so it will be easy to filter out the other stuff if you couldn't give a hoot about anything other than birds and nature!
Thanks for the continued support and interest!